Admission of new members to the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 22-02 of 24 Ramadhan 1443 corresponding to April 25, 2022 and Presidential Decree No. 23-72 of 23 Rajab 1444 corresponding to February 14, 2023, the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies (AAST) is launching a call for applications for the recruitment of new permanent members. These members will be selected from among personalities of Algerian nationality of established reputation in the scientific and technological fields, aged 75 years or less on December 31, 2024. The selection procedures are defined in article 35 of the internal regulation of the Academy.
For the 2024 session, the general assembly of the Academy set the number of positions open for recruitment at 25, spread over 13 sections. The profiles sought are indicated in order of priority, for each section, in the following table.
Number and Profiles by section of positions open to the recruitment of new permanent members – 2024 session.
Section |
Number of Positions |
Specialty |
Science of the Earth and the Universe |
3 |
Geoscience |
Geophysics |
Astronomy |
Science of Nature and Life |
1 |
Molecular Genetics |
Mathematics |
2 |
Mathematics |
Chemistry |
1 |
Theoretical chemistry and analytical chemistry |
Bio-inorganic chemistry |
Solid State Chemistry |
Physics |
1 |
Astrophysics |
Engineering Sciences |
2 |
Civil Engineering |
Industrial Engineering |
Computer science |
1 |
Quantum computing |
Artificial intelligence |
Energy and industrial technologies |
3 |
Renewable energies |
Electronics |
Hydrocarbons and petrochemicals |
Water, Agriculture and fishing |
3 |
Plant improvement |
Industrial valorization of fishery products |
Irrigation, water management |
Biotechnologies |
2 |
Bioengineering and biotechnology in health |
Bioresources and biotechnologies |
Materials engineering and nanotechnologies |
2 |
Mechanical engineering |
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies |
Materials |
Environment, sustainable development and major risks |
1 |
Environmental sciences |
Architecture, town planning and regional planning |
3 |
Architecture |
Land Planning |
Urban planning |
Application files must include:
1. A cover letter,
2. A curriculum vitae (1 page maximum),
3. A report describing the work and the main results obtained (2 pages maximum),
4. A list of the ten (10) most significant works (publications/patents): A summary of 5 lines maximum per selected publication/patent,
5. The Science or Technology admissibility grid, depending on the candidate's profile, duly completed.
6. An identity document.
Complete files are submitted electronically (in a single file in PDF format including the required documents in the order indicated) by following the following link: The application deadline is September 10, 2024 at midnight, Algiers time.
The academy council examines the files submitted and establishes the list of admissible applications, in their field of expertise and in the specialty to be filled. A summary report will be drawn up by one of the permanent members of the same specialty as the candidate, and submitted to the academy council for an initial assessment.
The candidate is selected for the academy application according to the following criteria:
• Must possess indisputable scientific quality and original and major contributions in his field of expertise,
• Must possess a well-established national and international scientific reputation,
• Have great managerial skills in the administration and management of research and development programs of general interest.
Members are chosen by the selection commission created within each section and made up of members of the academy according to their specialization.
The newly selected member must make a presentation, in a solemn session of the academy, in which he addresses aspects of his discipline.
The nominative list of members of the academy elected by the general assembly is drawn up and signed by the president of the academy and published by all possible means.
The entire recruitment process is subject to strict compliance with ethical rules.